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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Free time...or the lack there of....

As I am sitting on the couch this Saturday morning trying to get motivation to get me and the kiddos ready, the hubby is out playing golf...ummm for the second day in a row....Now don't get me wrong..I fully believe that he needs his "free" time but really? Two days in a row? Isn't it too cold for golf? Or am I the only wuss who would rather sit in my house with my pajamas on sipping on some hot chocolate...(dreaming of course.. by the time I ever get to finish a cup of anything hot it has been reheated several times.)

So this got my mind pondering this morning as to what the differences are in free time between a stay at home mom and her husband.. This is what I have concluded..

1. While my husband never thinks twice about taking a shower in peace, I basically have to set up a scavenger hunt downstairs just so I can jump in the shower to have 5 minutes of "free"  time.Otherwise, I end up with two little boys banging on my bathroom door because God forbid their mother be out of sight...and  since my bedroom is right beside Olivia's bedroom and I have to "shower" while she is napping, I don't even bother locking the bathroom door anymore... so they end up coming in and there goes my 5 minutes of peace.

2. Eating meals- I don't even think I know what a meal is anymore. The hubby can just grab something on his way to work in the mornings, he gets to have a child free lunch at a SIT DOWN place most of the time, and dinner is usually done for him when he gets home from work. I on the other hand am just racing around in the mornings popping waffles out of the toaster oven for the boys and getting milk pumped and ready for my 6 month old. For lunch I am usually multi-tasking because it would be too easy for Evan and Landon to like the same things to eat. One wants this while the other one wants that....then it is off to get milk ready for the little gal again...after her milk it is time for some baby food. By the time all of that is over, it is close to 2:30 and the boys' energy levels are at its peak leaving me with just enough time to make a diet coke and some pretzels.. ... Then dinner... oh yeah.. that meal that just happens to be around meltdown time now that my 2 year old doesn't nap anymore.... thankfully Olivia is usually napping around the time I start cooking for dinner but the other two.... WHOA!!  One if not both of them are screaming, crying, yelling, or are having some other form of a crisis which usually results in me threatening to throw away every single toy in their ridiculously overstocked playroom. This happens daily... not kidding!
Now back to cooking dinner.. I usually start dinner around 4:45 so that we can eat anywhere between 5:30-6:00... When it is time to eat everyone sits down at the table together (a big must in our house) and we(they) begin eating... I am usually feeding Olivia her milk and then her baby food while stuffing my face with a few bites of food before someone needs more juice or more food.
And there you have it... that is what my meal time looks like every day... Which is why I am beyond EXCITED to have a night out with the girl this weekend. I will finally get some ":free" meal time.. oh it is the little things that excite me now!

3-Bathroom break? What is a bathroom break? There have been multiple times that I have almost wet my pants driving home from somewhere because I can't just stop the car at a gas station or fast food place to pee. why? because I have three little ones in the back seat...and I dare NOT take three kids under the age of 5 into a gas station's restroom.. gag!!!

4-playdates..for my husband it is a round of golf(without kids).....for me, it is having other kids at my house to entertain my kids so that I can have an adult conversation... that usually results in talking about our kids..enough said!

5-Leisure time.... while the hubby sits on the couch watching ESPN in the evenings, I am sitting on the opposite couch reading....and no, I am not talking about the latest and greatest sappy love story. I am talking about board books, level one readers, and the latest, greatest award winning children's' books. Why? because 4 year olds have homework, they need to be prepared for Kindergarten, and by golly if Landon sees Evan doing flashcards and reading books then he has to do the same thing...and we can't just read one book.. not even two books.. it is usually on the scale of 4-5 books... and the older they get, the longer the books get!! Between homework, flashcards, and reading books, I usually spend about 2-3 hours A DAY on this task...

So there you have it.... the little things that our husbands don't even think twice about are sometimes enough to make us go a little I sit here with the same cup of coffee I have had since 9:00.

Happy Weekend Everyone!


  1. Couldn't have said it better myself. How many times have you reheated your same cup of coffee this morning?? By the third time I did it, it was disgusting and I poured it down the drain!

  2. Yep....this sounds familiar and I have one 4 year old...My husband goes to the bathroom in peace, takes a shower in peace, and drives to work in I have watch all of her shows, listen to her CD's in the car, and play Barbies....I get it...I totally get it!!
